Hey guys,
So I jumped on the DIY closing down sale too and got a 12 string 335 style kit.
I also got a set of Wilkinson humbuckers from them as they were pretty cheap (no idea if it was really worth it...) and 2x sets of Wilkinsons tuners (same as the pickups I guess...).
For finish I'm planning to go with a clear natural and I wanted to try Aussie Oil, so I got a bottle too.
Pretty happy with the kit and the flamed maple top it all seems to get together pretty good:
Since then I've ordered a wiring upgrade for 335 (switchcraft switch and jack, 4 CTS pots, orange capacitors and vintage clothed wire with braided shield), new knobs to go with the CTS pots and a set of strings. All this from Realparts (amazing fast deliveries!).
I wasn't planning to start this one until my IB5 was finished... but I have to be very patient with this one as I want top make sure the DT gets time to cure and I need plenty of coats to get the dark colour I want)... so I got started on the 335.
I've prepared the body, sanded with 180 and 220, and then grain filled with pine colour timbermate as it seemed the be the best colour match:
I then sanded with 220, 320, 400 and finished with 600... and I almost went through the veneer!
I was mega careful with the edges as I read everywhere on this forum how easy it was to go through, but I started going through on the middle line.
I stopped just on time and there is only a small area impacted, very hard to see if you don't know where it is (and I won't tell!):
Anyway, I had to widen the pickup routes a bit as the wilkinson humbucker are a tiny bit bigger than the kit ones and they didn't fit. So I got the dremel out with the routing bit and slowly squared the pickup routings:
And after: