Threads 1 to 20 of 20

Forum: DB's Corner

Got something to ask our Resident Luthier? All questions posted here will be responded to by Dingobass. Please note: all other comments will be removed unless they add to the answer.

  1. Moved: RC-1 and Rickenbacker 300 pickups ??

    Started by kaktus666, 29-01-2019 02:07 AM
  2. Moved: Any issues with RCA-4 Bass Neck?

    Started by bSchmidt, 21-11-2018 04:57 AM
  3. Moved: Sticky oil on the neck?

    Started by RHCP123, 29-10-2018 10:09 AM
  4. Moved: HBB-5 wiring diagram

    Started by lfinn, 05-07-2018 03:34 AM
  5. Moved: A new direction for DB

    Started by dingobass, 18-05-2018 02:36 AM
  6. Moved: Unglue a neck (with PB's glue) ?

    Started by Roger79, 18-04-2018 11:45 PM
  7. Moved: Nut adjustment

    Started by johnnyrotten, 15-04-2018 12:16 PM
  8. Moved: Les Paul bridge orientation

    Started by HECTOR, 26-03-2018 10:38 AM
  9. Moved: Set Neck on Custom V - possible factory mistake??

    Started by Griffo, 06-03-2018 08:47 AM
  10. Moved: cracked neck on EXA

    Started by Hesh, 01-03-2018 04:58 PM
  11. Moved: RCA-4 question

    Started by fe22ari, 13-02-2018 12:22 AM
  12. Moved: RCA-4 neck

    Started by lowendman78, 12-02-2018 10:15 AM
  13. Moved: Custom set neck question

    Started by Griffo, 07-01-2018 08:02 PM
  14. Moved: DingoTone Grain Filling Capability

    Started by Raven, 25-10-2017 02:38 PM
  15. Moved: Opinion on Nubone nut material

    Started by RalphH, 05-09-2017 07:06 AM
  16. Moved: GOTM thoughts and suggestions

    Started by dingobass, 15-09-2017 05:34 PM
  17. Moved: Wudtone and buffing/burnishing

    Started by teamjeffo, 04-09-2017 12:55 PM
  18. Moved: SG 1 Kit - Action

    Started by caitken, 22-08-2017 08:57 AM
  19. Bone nut - Is this right?

    Started by VoxMechanica, 22-08-2017 09:48 PM
    2 Pages
    1 2
    • Replies: 17
    • Views: 14,308
    24-08-2017, 06:06 PM Go to last post

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