First build. I'm stuck on Pickup installation and wiring.
The springs that are meant to be mounted under the standard kit pickups are so long they only allow the screws to bite in about one full thread depth. (I already stripped one out of it's hole.) More troubling - With the springs installed, the lowest pickup height is looking way too high. I can't figure out what the deal is. Were the pickup cavities not routed deep enough? Do I need to drill a countersink for the springs to sit in?
Also, the wiring diagram lists the wires coming from the pickups as - White (Hot) and Bare (Ground). The wires coming out of the pickups with my kit are - Bare and Green wrapped together (which I assume to be Ground), Red and White wrapped together (Hot?), and Black(???). How do I make sense of this?
Lastly, the Humbucking Pickups I've seen are always installed in opposite orientation. My pickups are just black plastic rectangles so the only clue I have to orientation is the position of the wire coming out. Does it matter which way they are oriented?
Anyone deal with these issues already or have some advice? Thanks!