So, it'a time to start planning the next build for me!
I ordered through Adam a custom kit, an SG with 3 pickups, with mahogany body and neck...
I received it some time ago, but was busy with other builds.
Here are the pics:
For the finish I was thinking a purple burst, potentially reversed burst (darker in the middle).
I saw DB's photo of the upcoming new Dingotone colour 'Atherton Amethyst' and I am thinking that's going to be it, with DT black stump for the burst!
On the hardware side, I'm planning gold as I like the bling.
I've already got a gold bridge Tune O Matic (thanks Adam). I need to find tuners, knobs, etc.
On the pickup side, I'm still debating... most people recognise that having 3 x humbucker doesn't add much compared to 2. So I'm thinking I'll go with Tonerider humbuckers for neck and bridge, and a Rebel 90 for the middle.
I've seen a photo of an SG 3 with a Phat Cat in the middle position and it just looks perfect as it's got the screws in the middle!
What would you guys recommend for the humbuckers? I'm thinking the Alnico II could complement the P90?
For the Rebel I'm thinking I'll get a neck one as the bridge could be too trebly. Any comments or recommendations?
And last, but not least, I didn't know what to do with the switching, Single coil, side of tings, so I got a pair of SD Triple Shots for the humbuckers, and I'm thinking I'm going to get one of those 6 way ultraswitch. THey look like the std 3 ways on SG/LP, but have 6 positions.
So, still some thinking to do, like how many volumes, tones, etc.
But very excited!