First day of the build my first ever guitar. So excited.
Have 0% woodworking skills so this will be... interesting. Hopefully the many hours of soldering in Uni and designing circuits will help me out when I get to that part.
So, I sanded the crud out the body and neck.
Frets still feel sharpish as I slide my hand down the neck. Will file them down later.
Next was the headstock. Thought I would design the headstock first before I sealed the wood. Thought a fiery devil horny type look would fit the SG pointed style best.
I think I must be a bit nuts going for a such an intricate design having no experience.
Quickly found out my Dremel's router bit was quickly outmatched by the wood. Dremel vs hardwood. Hardwood won this round. Completely botched up the the top left corner and bottom right round part.
I will get a coping saw next time I visit the hardware store, hopefully it will give me more control even though it will take longer to cut
Sanded the larger parts as best I could and wood filler works wonders. Luckily I will be completely painting everything over, I would have had a heart attack had I been going for the natural wood tone
Have not idea how I am going to sand the smaller intricate parts, perhaps a small rod with sandpaper rolled around it and tapped at both ends? I think that may take a while.
Still deciding if I should engrave my name in to headstock, I will practice on some other wood first so I don't botch something else up.
Will wait for the wood filler to dry and try again with a coping saw.