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Thread: RC-4 Bass Kit Questions

  1. #1

    RC-4 Bass Kit Questions

    New poster here, I hope this hasn't been flogged to death already, but the Search function was not working for me, some glitch with registration. On to the question:

    1. Can I legally buy an RC-4 kit and have it shipped to the U.S.A.? There is a lot of overheated debate and gnashing of teeth among the U.S. Rick fanatical fringe about how this is illegal due to copyright infringement, moral turpitude, etc. I have read that Rickenbacker did not renew it's copyright in Australia, so the RC-4 kits are exempt, but don't know if that's true. I don't want to buy a kit and have it seized by U.S. Customs if they consider it counterfeit or some such nonsense.

    2. Can I buy the kit without the hardware? I'd like to make my own Rick Bass clone using a Hipshot bridge and tuners, Classic Amplification pups, etc. If so, can I get just the body/neck assembly in unfinished state for less?

    3. Anybody currently building one? They have been backordered for a couple months, are these actually shipping to anyone?

  2. #2
    GAStronomist wokkaboy's Avatar
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    Hey Alex, welcome to the forum. I'm not sure about the legaillity of the shape in USA, PBG certainly ship them to USA but I'm not aware of anyone building one in US.
    Send Adam an email about a body and neck only kit, sure he will reduce the full price. Send to adamboyle at pitbullguitars dot com
    Don't think there's any current RC-4 builds as they have been on back order for a while but check out Pablo's
    and Lunaticthighs RC-4 build
    Lunaticthighs build was voted best bass build of 2014 !
    Best of luck
    Last edited by wokkaboy; 04-02-2015 at 10:21 PM.
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  3. #3
    Thanks for the reply. I think there will be a run on the RC-4 kits when they are re-stocked, lots of pent up demand for something of better quality then the sketchy kits available through Aliexpress, Tradetang, etc. You would simply not believe how nasty and irrational some of the Cult of Rickenbacker types get about Rick bass copies. It's almost impossible to discuss this rationally on Talkbass, for instance, without the Trolls descending. Thanks for the link, I'll check out the build you reference.

  4. #4
    I checked out Pablo and Lunaticthighs builds, looks pretty nice. The bending of the bottom of the neck pocket under load spooked me a little. Is two RC-4 builds the total so far? I'm curious if anyone else has had similar problems with the neck pocket.

  5. #5
    Overlord of Music
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    Aug 2012
    I've had no problems regarding the neck pocket, but after seeing LT's I was extra thorough and almost ready for it. 3 or so months of being strung up and no bellying or warping.

    You won't have any trouble with customs as this isn't a counterfeit, its a kit with no branding. What they are looking out for is guitars labeled as Gibsons etc.

    This is a great kit, I highly recommend it, but realise it will need a few tweaks to be a great player.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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    'As long as there's, you know, sex and drugs, I can do without the rock and roll.'

  6. #6
    Moderator Brendan's Avatar
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    I've got one under the bed - keen to get into it, but have a few others to finish before I get there - (now if I didn't forget parts at the Gavmeister's place ).

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by pablopepper View Post
    I've had no problems regarding the neck pocket, but after seeing LT's I was extra thorough and almost ready for it. 3 or so months of being strung up and no bellying or warping.

    You won't have any trouble with customs as this isn't a counterfeit, its a kit with no branding. What they are looking out for is guitars labeled as Gibsons etc.

    This is a great kit, I highly recommend it, but realise it will need a few tweaks to be a great player.
    I know the fingerboard above body height is critical to playability, referenced to a specific bridge height. Using a stock Rickenbacker bridge would seem to require a fingerboard height just shy of 1/2" above body at the center of the fingerboard. I assume you didn't have to do any shimming or neck angle with the stock bridge provided with the kit? I'm also wondering if a set of dowels drilled into the heel end of the neck beam and into body below the neck pickup would stiffen up the whole assembly. Stock Rick basses have a huge "bathtub" of wood routed out for the neck pickup that weaken the neck through joint considerably.

  8. #8
    Overlord of Music
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    Aug 2012
    Hi Alex, I used a Kahler bridge so I had to shim the neck. I would assume using the stock bridge would not need it, but a ric bridge would to account for the height.

    As these kits aren't a true replica, I wouldn't assume any measurements. Just a matter of getting all the bits you are going to use and testing it out until you get it to fit right. Don't glue until you are sure.
    'As long as there's, you know, sex and drugs, I can do without the rock and roll.'

  9. #9
    Hi all. I'm new to the forum and to any sort of instrument build in general. I was hoping to get one of the basswood RC-4s for my first build, however I have an aversion to set neck basses. Would it be ok to convert it to a bolt-on and screw the neck and body together rather than glue it on? Thank you

  10. #10
    Overlord of Music Fretworn's Avatar
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    My guess is that there won't be enough wood to make a strong joint, but I will defer to whatever DB says on this one.

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