Another harebrained Maxaxe story 8O
This strange axe came about when I recently decided to learn the Minor pentatonic scales in its 5 patterns, with the blue notes and additional notes from the Major penta.
I was having trouble getting all this down (old dog syndrome) so I thought: what if I had a fretboard clearly marked for the whole thing in the key of A?
So I decided to sacrifice my old & already butchered Maton Apollo 505 and create a sort of learning tool. Then I dreamt up the name "Scaley Maton" and off I went . . .
Let's start from the beginning - original guitar (pic 1) first teardown many years ago transmogrified the semi into a solid body in candy apple red (no pics) second was another reshape and we had a blue meanie (pic 2) third phase was yet another reshape with a satin black finish (pic 3)
Continued . . . .