I was lucky enough to score the 3/4 strat for $20 at the PBG 2nd birthday sale.
Coincidentally, Mini Me has been bugging me for a guitar ever since he saw me building the spalted cap LP. He doesn't know I have it... and he's going to get it for his birthday next year (turning 7). Probably with a few lessons as well.
He also wants a blue guitar. Originally I was angling for T-Bird, but PBG had run out of stock by the time I tried to order it. Plan B - Azure Lagoon. By the looks of it, there will be plenty left over for a lefty JBA-4 or MMB-4 later on (or maybe one of each). Oh yes. So... this pocket rocket will become the Smurfcaster, and most likely have a big brother later next year. My wife sighed when I told her my plans, but at least she knows it's keeping me off the streets.
This is Mini Me in the shed with his Pa (my Dad).
Some pics of the kit... Everything seems to fit properly.
There's a nice bit of graining on the back.
The headstock looks nice, too. Shame some of that burl will be cut away.
Some other stuff...
There's a whopping great lump of filler at the end of the body, but fortunately that will be hidden by the neck and pickguard.
The end of the fingerboard looks a little ordinary as well, but hopefully some sanding will take care of that.
The plan is to block off the bridge so that it's more stable tuning-wise. If he gets older and wants to use the whammy bar, I'll box his ears and set him straight.
This should be a fun build. The challenge will be to keep things secret until Mini Me's birthday in April.