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Thread: TD's MBM-1

  1. #61
    Moderator fender3x's Avatar
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    Miami, FL, USA
    I can't remember if you said what pickups you used. Are they stock? I have a set of the PB stock humbuckers and have been thinking about what I might do with them....

  2. #62
    Moderator Trevor Davies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fender3x View Post
    I can't remember if you said what pickups you used. Are they stock? I have a set of the PB stock humbuckers and have been thinking about what I might do with them....
    This one has the stock pups. On the weekend I can hopefully give them a good test! And also decide if I need to add a treble bleed.

    I also have a couple of stock humbuckers and single coils hidden away. I was thinking of making a few "Guitar Nut" paper clip stands or a magnetic knife rack!
    PitBull Builds: FVB-4, LP-1SS, FBM-1, AG-2, TB-4, SSCM-1, TLA-1, TL-1TB, STA-1HT, DSCM-1 Truckster, ST-1, STA-1, MBM-1, MBM custom, GHR-1.

    Scratch Builds: Pine Explorer, Axe Bass, Mr Scary, Scratchy Tele's.

    The little voices in my head keep telling me "build more guitars"

  3. #63
    Moderator fender3x's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trevor Davies View Post
    This one has the stock pups. On the weekend I can hopefully give them a good test! And also decide if I need to add a treble bleed.

    I also have a couple of stock humbuckers and single coils hidden away. I was thinking of making a few "Guitar Nut" paper clip stands or a magnetic knife rack!
    Will be interested in the type of treble bleed you use.

    I was thinking along the lines of swapping out the magnets...but now that you mention it they would make a very rock-and-roll way of sticking the grocery list to the fridge ;-)

  4. #64
    Moderator Trevor Davies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fender3x View Post
    Will be interested in the type of treble bleed you use.

    I was thinking along the lines of swapping out the magnets...but now that you mention it they would make a very rock-and-roll way of sticking the grocery list to the fridge ;-)
    Actually, the MBM-1 did not need a treble bleed. I only tested it on my practice amp, but it sounded nice on the clean and distorted settings. So now I can call this one done.
    PitBull Builds: FVB-4, LP-1SS, FBM-1, AG-2, TB-4, SSCM-1, TLA-1, TL-1TB, STA-1HT, DSCM-1 Truckster, ST-1, STA-1, MBM-1, MBM custom, GHR-1.

    Scratch Builds: Pine Explorer, Axe Bass, Mr Scary, Scratchy Tele's.

    The little voices in my head keep telling me "build more guitars"

  5. #65
    Moderator Trevor Davies's Avatar
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    It has been over a month since I added the oil-based wipe-on-poly to the custom MBM-1 build. It should have gassed-off by now!

    So, today I sprayed on 3 coats of Cabot's water-based polyurethane. The headstock also has a Cricut cut vinyl sticker for the logo.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_2043.jpg 
Views:	54 
Size:	195.8 KB 
ID:	45297  
    PitBull Builds: FVB-4, LP-1SS, FBM-1, AG-2, TB-4, SSCM-1, TLA-1, TL-1TB, STA-1HT, DSCM-1 Truckster, ST-1, STA-1, MBM-1, MBM custom, GHR-1.

    Scratch Builds: Pine Explorer, Axe Bass, Mr Scary, Scratchy Tele's.

    The little voices in my head keep telling me "build more guitars"

  6. #66
    Moderator fender3x's Avatar
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    Wow that is a really gorgeous color! It's going to look great! Now that it's getting close, what are you thinking of putting in it. Curious about the pickup and circuitry.

    As usual, I am also impressed by tidy portable workbench. You could market that. Mine is made from stuff that was lying around, including old boards my kids broke in Tae Kwan Do--and it looks like it. Philadelphia Luthier Tools is not interested.

  7. #67
    Moderator Trevor Davies's Avatar
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    Thanks fender3x.

    The pickup will be a Tonerider Zebra Bridge Humbucker (if it looks cool with the colour combo!), and the electronics will be volume and tone, plus a multiple coil tap circuit and a Varitone circuit. See

    Today I have also completed burst 1 - Sprayed on Cabot's water-based poly with a maroon dye.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_2044.jpg 
Views:	45 
Size:	195.4 KB 
ID:	45299  
    PitBull Builds: FVB-4, LP-1SS, FBM-1, AG-2, TB-4, SSCM-1, TLA-1, TL-1TB, STA-1HT, DSCM-1 Truckster, ST-1, STA-1, MBM-1, MBM custom, GHR-1.

    Scratch Builds: Pine Explorer, Axe Bass, Mr Scary, Scratchy Tele's.

    The little voices in my head keep telling me "build more guitars"

  8. #68
    Moderator fender3x's Avatar
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    Miami, FL, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Trevor Davies View Post
    Thanks fender3x.

    The pickup will be a Tonerider Zebra Bridge Humbucker (if it looks cool with the colour combo!), and the electronics will be volume and tone, plus a multiple coil tap circuit and a Varitone circuit. See

    Today I have also completed burst 1 - Sprayed on Cabot's water-based poly with a maroon dye.
    That looks amazing!

    Sent from my LE2125 using Tapatalk

  9. #69
    Member XP Rider's Avatar
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    Western Utah
    If that baby sounds as good as it looks when finished, it will be a showstopper. Great work.

  10. #70
    Moderator Trevor Davies's Avatar
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    Thanks fender3x and XP Rider. I'm very happy with the way it is looking, and I hope I don't stuff it up on the next part. This weekend I can hopefully get a few more clear coats added.
    PitBull Builds: FVB-4, LP-1SS, FBM-1, AG-2, TB-4, SSCM-1, TLA-1, TL-1TB, STA-1HT, DSCM-1 Truckster, ST-1, STA-1, MBM-1, MBM custom, GHR-1.

    Scratch Builds: Pine Explorer, Axe Bass, Mr Scary, Scratchy Tele's.

    The little voices in my head keep telling me "build more guitars"

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