The love of acoustic guitar thread reminded me I had some process pics from some previous acoustic restorations/refurbishments/repairs. I thought I'd start a build thread to document them, in case anyone is interested. I've only really finished two, and the rest are works in progress, so will update as I go.
The pile of instruments began with half a dozen crappy acoustics I picked up from Tiny's Green Shed (our local recycling depot). They were all nylon string except for one parlour sized steel string. From memory they were $12 each, except the bigger kinda orange-y one, which was $20 (despite being the most busted up). On top of that I also have a really busted up parlour sized steel string that I pulled out of a skip at work, and a twelve string Cort (brand new) that I got for $40 because the pallet it was delivered on was dropped and all the guitars bodies split either side of the bridge.
I also have a handful of mandolins in various stages of repair, but that's another story (or maybe another thread...)
Anyway, my wife wanted a parlour sized guitar, and so the first one I had a crack at was the parlour sized guitar from Tiny's.
It went from this (lower left):
To this: