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Thread: Chuck’s baritone JZA-1

  1. #1
    Mentor Chuck's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2016

    Chuck’s baritone JZA-1

    A third build on the go? Yep, can’t get enough at the moment. Despite the issues around the JZA kit outlined in my other JZA build diary, I ended buying both the original one and the replacement kit Adam sent. I’m reasonably confident I can work them out, so time to plan the second JZA-1.

    As is my standard approach, the first step is to think about what I can modify or do differently. Having recently strung a bass with piccolo strings I became fascinated with flipping the roles of bass and guitar. Whilst I’ve got a Bass VI, it’s not great with the low chords so I figured I should turn this one into a baritone. No, I don’t really need one, but it does give me a flimsy excuse to build again! I’m not doing a neck replacement, just stringing the standard neck with a set of 13-62s so I can drop it down to A or B tuning. I’ve done it before and that tuning/string weight combo ensures it doesn’t get too floppy.

    I’ll also be playing around with some switching options, making control plates to suit (with my newfound love of working with aluminium), and a new pickguard. Anyway, the first step is to sketch out my plan on the untouched body. I’ll do a bit more tweaking to ensure that the new routs I need to make are in the right spot, but I love this part because it’s the first physical look at what until now has just been an idea.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	310717 Baritone sketch.JPG 
Views:	255 
Size:	450.4 KB 
ID:	21262
    Completed Builds: #1 TL-1 "Telemaster" (GOTM Oct 2016); #2 The "Maplecaster" scratch build; #3 JB-4 "Bass IV" (co-winner GOTM Jan 2017); #4 ST-1M "Surfcaster" (GOTM Apr 2017), #5 JZA-1 "EC Deluxe"

    In Progress:
    Build #6 N1R "Semi-scratch" build
    Build #7 JZA-1 Baritone

    The Cavan Project
    The Magnificent Compañeros

  2. #2
    GAStronomist wokkaboy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Perth WA
    cool plans Chuck. You have really elevated your GAS levels lately !
    Current Builds and status
    scratch end grain pine tele - first clear coat on !
    JBA-4 - assembled - final tweaks
    Telemonster double scale tele - finish tobacco burst on body and sand neck

    Completed builds
    scratch oak.rose gum Jazzmaster - assembled needs setup
    MK-2 Mosrite - assembled - play in
    Ash tele with Baritone neck - neck pup wiring tweaks and play in

  3. #3
    Overlord of Music Dedman's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    The "Fabulous" Gold Coast
    very interesting plans Chuck!
    Build 19 PSH-1 Kustom
    Build 18 HB-4S Kustom
    Build 17 WL-1 Kustom
    Build 16 TL-1TB Kustom
    Build 15 PBG-2-
    Build 14 FTD-1
    Build 13 RD-1 Kustom
    Build 12 DM-1S
    Build 11 MKA-2 -
    Build 10 Basic strat
    Build 9 JM Kustom
    Build 8 FV-1G
    Build 7 ES-2V
    Build 6- Community prototype
    Build 5 LP-1LQ
    Build 4 ES-5V
    Build 3 JR-1
    Build 2 GD-1
    Build 1 TLA-1

  4. #4
    Mentor Kick's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Amsterdam, The Netherlands
    Three builds ongoing... I see an addiction
    Nr 1: Red Widow LP-1MQ (Finished) ->Diary<-

  5. #5
    Mentor Chuck's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Kick View Post
    Three builds ongoing... I see an addiction
    A man's gotta have a hobby... or three
    Completed Builds: #1 TL-1 "Telemaster" (GOTM Oct 2016); #2 The "Maplecaster" scratch build; #3 JB-4 "Bass IV" (co-winner GOTM Jan 2017); #4 ST-1M "Surfcaster" (GOTM Apr 2017), #5 JZA-1 "EC Deluxe"

    In Progress:
    Build #6 N1R "Semi-scratch" build
    Build #7 JZA-1 Baritone

    The Cavan Project
    The Magnificent Compañeros

  6. #6
    Member corsair's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Hervey Bay, Qld
    Loving the justification to self, and liking the baritone option; something a bit different!!
    "If it's Blues music in a bar and it helps people swallow their drink of choice, or it's a dance song and people get up off their chairs and shuffle their feet, or it's a Jazz tune and the Chardonnay tastes so much better... then it's all good."

    - Marcel

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