And so we begin again! My previous attempt at the semi-scratch Toronado-inspired build ended unceremoniously (as you can see here). A few days of thinking about what to do this time and I’m back on the horse. Given I’m doing this at the same time as my JZA-1 build, it might take a little time, but better to start slowly than never start at all.
So, I have a Pitbull reverse headstock N1R neck and all the hardware from before: two Tonerider humbuckers and a “Jimmy Page” wiring harness. I’ve got a couple of ideas around the way I’ll treat the body and, with my new-found interest in working with aluminium, some thoughts about how it will all go together. It certainly won’t be the same as the previous one with the massive swimming pool routing of the body.
Step one was to play around with some shapes on a blank made from Green Shed dressed pine, then do a rough cut with the jigsaw…