Pretty Please - Multiscale kits.
Something tells me the price of one of these would go right up there. Still - If it was possible, I'd certainly get one. Would love me a Multiscale...
I Might have to ask DB..
Pretty Please - Multiscale kits.
Something tells me the price of one of these would go right up there. Still - If it was possible, I'd certainly get one. Would love me a Multiscale...
I Might have to ask DB..
From memory Adam has looked into these, but we need to bear in mind that there are some significant communications challenges when it comes to non standard designs. Have you seen Perry Ormsby's GTR range?
Current builds:
Yes, I wouldn't even attempt this with the Chinese factory, I doubt they would even know what a multi-scale was.
I'm sure Dingobass can knock up a custom multi-scale neck for you, or a complete kit/finished guitar.
Come to think of it, there's probably a 6 month wait before my wife will let me get one anyways
Yeah I've got a friend at west-end that has an ormsby, I played that and basically wouldn't let it go.