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Thread: My Diary - LPA-1, First time Pit bull Builder

  1. #1

    My Diary - LPA-1, First time Pit bull Builder

    Hi Folks!
    First time Pit Bull builder here, and Im eagerly waiting my LPA-1 to be delivered (which will be tomorrow, I believe).

    This will be my third guitar, but first that I've built myself - My other two are referbs (One was a REALLY sick Ibanez RG-550) and both sing like mocking birds, so I have a little bit of confidence with this kit.

    The only thing that worries me a little is the set neck - I've not done a set neck before, and Im a little worried about getting it wrong. Yes, I've looked at information in the forums, but in reality, if I don't know what Im looking for, Im not entirely sure if I've even FOUND the right information.

    When I have more questions I'll certainly ask them - I guess my first one is, is there any particular rules that I need to follow RE: lengths, angles, etc? There's information on the forums about this, but it's a more of a yes you can, no you can't, yes you can sort of thing - doesn't help a person if they don't know what they are looking for...

    ANYWAYS - Excited to get this started. I'll have questions, as I said, but Im also excited to share my happy snaps of this, and it's two older siblings (Banzie and Eltie) as I through.

  2. #2
    Overlord of Music Andy40's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    Hi depictedminds.

    Welcome to the forum. great first kit. fantastic build. still love mine. Have you watched the pitbull video for setting the neck?

    Its in these video guides
    Build #1 - ST-1 - Completed
    Build #2 - LP-1SS - Completed
    Build #3 - TLA-1R - Completed
    Build #4 - SGD-612 - Completed
    Build #5 - ES-1G - Completed
    Build #6 - STA-1HT | Completed
    Build #7 - ST1JR - Completed
    Current Build #8 - JBA-4
    Build #9 - Semi-scratch build Tele x 2 - Completed
    Current Build #10 - PRS-1H
    Current Build #11 - AGJR-1 - Completed
    Current Build #12 - ATL-1SB
    Current Build #13 - GST-1
    Current Build #14 - FBM-1

  3. #3
    Are we referring to the video that doesnt exist? Theres one there thats missing (after the screw in neck video). The one with measurement guides gave me a lot more confidence but id love to know what else they had on the missing video. ..

  4. #4
    Overlord of Music Dedman's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    The "Fabulous" Gold Coast
    Hi Depictedminds, welcome!
    I've done 2 set necks and had no probs. The important thing is to do a dry build with your bridge in position and tuners on the neck for both E strings, clamp the neck in place and run both E strings ( no need for tuning tension) . Check they run straight and that the break angle of the neck gives a decent action height. I had no probs with mine but careful sanding and or shimming will fix any issues. ( I don't remember too many people having problems)
    Build 19 PSH-1 Kustom
    Build 18 HB-4S Kustom
    Build 17 WL-1 Kustom
    Build 16 TL-1TB Kustom
    Build 15 PBG-2-
    Build 14 FTD-1
    Build 13 RD-1 Kustom
    Build 12 DM-1S
    Build 11 MKA-2 -
    Build 10 Basic strat
    Build 9 JM Kustom
    Build 8 FV-1G
    Build 7 ES-2V
    Build 6- Community prototype
    Build 5 LP-1LQ
    Build 4 ES-5V
    Build 3 JR-1
    Build 2 GD-1
    Build 1 TLA-1

  5. #5
    Overlord of Music
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    I have also done a few set necks and the LP was by far the easiest.

    Have a read through this post in which Gavin has collated a lot of great info that will be relevant.
    'As long as there's, you know, sex and drugs, I can do without the rock and roll.'

  6. #6
    Awesome. So feeling a lot better atm. Will do this when arrives and post progress. Thanks for the info so far!

  7. #7
    Ok - potential silly question.

    With this kit, I wanna get a bone nut for it. They have F type and G type guitars. Am I silly, or do I not know what kind of Nut Im supposed to get. Im assuming the kit I have is a G-Type guitar?

  8. #8
    Overlord of Music
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Correct. G for gibson.
    'As long as there's, you know, sex and drugs, I can do without the rock and roll.'

  9. #9
    Excellent. P for purchased.

  10. #10
    Overlord of Music Andy40's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by depictedminds View Post
    Excellent. P for purchased.
    So worth much tone with the bone bro
    Build #1 - ST-1 - Completed
    Build #2 - LP-1SS - Completed
    Build #3 - TLA-1R - Completed
    Build #4 - SGD-612 - Completed
    Build #5 - ES-1G - Completed
    Build #6 - STA-1HT | Completed
    Build #7 - ST1JR - Completed
    Current Build #8 - JBA-4
    Build #9 - Semi-scratch build Tele x 2 - Completed
    Current Build #10 - PRS-1H
    Current Build #11 - AGJR-1 - Completed
    Current Build #12 - ATL-1SB
    Current Build #13 - GST-1
    Current Build #14 - FBM-1

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