Hi all,
I just started a first build... a nice Hofner-like violin bass HB-4S with a spalted mapple top. I think this particular one as some beautiful grain in it.
I'm starting slowly, taking time to read the threads on the forums. I started to sand the body and the neck. I also want to change the shape of the head to make it more symetric.
About sanding, I am afraid that the laminated spalted mapple top is very thin, as Gavin1393 put it in his 17-05-2013 (2:04 am) entry in the "How to build your Pit Bull guitar" forum. Therefore, I am afraid to sand it too much, even if I' doing it manually. Some spots of the underneath layer are actually showing...
As you can see on the pictures, some more sanding is requirerd... Although, is it advised ???
Thanks for your feedback.