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Thread: sh-1 wiring diagram

  1. #1

    sh-1 wiring diagram

    hello guys, i just build a hss guitar and i'm need a wiring diagram!
    the pickup configuration is hss 1 vol, 1 puss/pull tone and 5 way swich .. i neet to split the humbucker ..

    i hope you can put some clearly picture of the wiring..

    thank you my friends..

    you can see the progress below here on youtube ..

    part 1 ..

    part 2 ...


  2. #2
    Just wire it as if it were 3 single coils like in this diagram, and wire your push/pull to split the bridge humbucker the same way it's connected to the series link (the joined wires on your pickup) in this diagram (just the series link and ground connection on the push/pull switch).

    So, same layout as the SSS diagram above but with the series link and ground connection to the push/pull's switch. Make sense?

  3. #3
    thank you very much, i will try it..

  4. #4
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	1SCH_2S_5W_1VppSPL_1T.jpg 
Views:	676 
Size:	91.1 KB 
ID:	13785

    it's ok ?
    i have a one 500k pot and one 250k push/pull pot..

  5. #5
    Yes, that diagram will work for your layout. Which value pot you use for volume and tone will impact the sound, so you may need to try them one way and swap them around if the sound is too bright (500K volume) or dark (250K volume).

  6. #6

    thank you my friend..

  7. #7
    hello guys.. some sound check .. enjoy

  8. #8
    GAStronomist stan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Geelong, Vic
    great sound check Gabriel, very good playing mate

  9. #9
    GAStronomist wokkaboy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Perth WA
    awesome Gabriel, just watched the last video, the axe is sounding great and your playing is very impressive you have your own style which I can pick some influences such as Santana, Dave Gilmour with a few others thrown in. I could only pick about 2 or 3 bum notes in probably 1200 odd notes played in the 10 odd minute vid well done. Great version of Hotel California solo !
    Last edited by wokkaboy; 15-09-2016 at 02:32 PM.
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  10. #10
    thank you very much guy.. i'm glade to know that you guys love it..

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