Hi guys
After about 6 months building other stuff one of our guitarists said he needs a Tele so just put an order in for a TLA-1 kit an hour ago.
What I'm visioning it to be is a "barncaster" type - a worn / weathered / worm eaten body in shades of black and gray with the neck showing similar colors faded from lighter fretboard to darker back and headstock. Was gonna achieve this with thought out abusing of the wood and different shades of gray and black stains sanded to worn look. Tried the steel wool and vinegar some time ago but it does not keep the gray look when using Tru Oil so have to dump that idea.
I'm gonna upgrade the pickups using Tele set vintage wound by Q-Pickups - a Kroatian small manufacturer. Those are Alnico5:s with vintage specs on resistance and build materials. Also gonna put a 4-way Grigsby with vintage push-back wiring and larger pots. Maybe upgrading the tuners too, bone nut and roller string trees if necessary. Black or black pearl pickguard depending on how the finish looks. String through body.
Maybe try to weather the hardware too. Before I start in a couple of weeks, I'd like some advise on something:
What type of methods and with what results have some of you had weathering / seasoning wood? What did you coat it with - clear, TO etc?
Has anyone tried ageing the chinese chromed hardware - does it behave similar way as steel or does it just end up s**t in some way? Like dipping and soaking it in some blend of chemicals? Is there a way to treat the stock hardware to achieve the look I'm after?
Anyway - thanks for anyone who might be able to help on these matters. Can't wait to get started...