Hi Alan.
There are a few things with that particular finish that I shall not name to take into account.
Firstly, as Woks pointed out, the finish in question has been made as cheaply as possible and the end result is a very watery colour.
Then add to this the colour will be influenced by the timber. If you have a Basswood body it will tend to turn the blue to green due to the timber already having a greenish yellow tint.
Another problem that they wont tell you about is if you use the "ageing" final coat, this too will turn the blue to green due to the yellow pigmentation in this so called ageing final coat.
And yes, the product description is as clear as mud... you aren't the first and won't be the last to get them mixed up. Woks will attest to this
My only suggestion is to rip them a new opening and make a huge fuss. The very least they should do is send you a replacement kit and clear instructions on the correct application methods.
Sorry you have not had decent help from them, but it doesn't surprise me at all as the guy is a total tosser, numpty and a massive muppet.
The veiws and opinions voiced in this post are my personal views, and in no way are linked to PBG management.