Hey all,
Next week I'm heading to China and I will be visiting the Factory where our kits (and Guitars) are manufactured.
I'm hoping to have a meeting with the Factory manager and raise a few issues that regularly pop up with our kits.
I'm going to ask them about:
- Misaligned tuner and string through body holes.
- The thickness of the veneers; ie, can we pay more for a thicker veneer?
- Glue spots
- Wonky headstock shaping on some of the 3 a side headstocks.
- Turnaround on custom orders, which seems to vary between 4 and 12 weeks. Hoping to come up with some guidelines so we can give a more accurate ETD for custom orders.
If you have any recurring issues to add, please post in this thread.
The neck twist issue has been resolved. That is, they are aware of it and are going to replace the necks of the 23 kits we have collected here with twisted necks.
If it's just "Can they make XYZ?", please email this to me and I can email my contact.