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Thread: No sound - ST

  1. #1

    No sound - ST

    I wired up my ST today (following the video guide) and I get no sound.

    Soldered Yellow to the tremolo bracket and bare wire to inner part of output and covered wire to the outer part of the output

    Is there anything I might have missed?

  2. #2
    No sound usually means either something is not connected (or was but has come loose) or the hot is somehow being shorted to ground (sometimes a stray wire, a blob of solder or shielding touching a pot lug). It's hard to diagnose just using wire colours as they vary between kits and batches from the factory. If possible, post some photos of the wiring and the output jack and we'll see what we can see.

  3. #3
    Thanks Scott, I'll dismantle it tomorrow and take a look.

    Is it possible to put PVC tape around the pots and anything else that could come in contact with the shielding?

  4. #4
    GAStronomist stan's Avatar
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    the pot cases shouldnt need protection from the shielding since they should be earthed/part of the earth circuit.
    however any of the components or wires soldered to them that may be touching the shielding might be sending your signal to earth
    like Weirdy said, and he is the guru, a pic will help a great deal

    also ensure that the inner to the output jack is indeed the earth, otherwise you are earthing your signal through the bare wire

  5. #5
    Fixed it.

    I unscrewed the output jack and plugged in the guitar and everything worked fine with the jack loose so I trimmed off some sheliding in the jack cavity, taped up the terminals, refitted the jack back onto the guitar and all is good.

    Many thanks for the advise. I'll put it down to experience ( or lack of!)

  6. #6
    Overlord of Music Andy40's Avatar
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    Good job Mareton....nah it can happen to anyone.
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  7. #7
    GAStronomist DrNomis_44's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marelton View Post
    Fixed it.

    I unscrewed the output jack and plugged in the guitar and everything worked fine with the jack loose so I trimmed off some sheliding in the jack cavity, taped up the terminals, refitted the jack back onto the guitar and all is good.

    Many thanks for the advise. I'll put it down to experience ( or lack of!)

    It's okay mate, even experts make mistakes too, I'm sure I've made my fair share of wiring mistakes at some stage, so you're not alone.

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