I bought this as a factory second, so please don't despair if I paint it a sold colour
It has a crack in the neck pocket and a lot of tiny chips around the edges of the veneer where they meet the binding and it's generally a Friday afternoon or first thing Monday morning kit.
The plans......a bit of a retro-ish parter for my Gretsch , so black and chrome. I ordered a pair of Tone Rider Rebel 90 pick ups for it as I don't have a P90 equipped guitar and they will be in keeping with the reto thing. I'll order a set of Kluson tuners and a Schaller bridge and tail piece for it. I'll probably use a white pick guard , black rear covers.
I'll take pics tomorrow of how I tackle the crack.
One question for electronics guys... what size pots and Cap should I run with P90's?