Hi folks,
Figured I should introduce myself. I’m Sydney-based (north shore/northern beaches) and primarily a bass player, and have mucked around in various bands over the past (gulp!) 35 years. These days I’ve got two key things on the go. The first is a project I started about 5 years ago to write and record a song from scratch every month (creativity doesn’t need inspiration; it needs a deadline!). You can see the fruits of this exercise at http://www.thecavanproject.com/
The second one is another songwriting collaboration project called The Compañeros (which you can find here: http://www.thecompaneros.com/). This one features much better songs – I’m much more of a lyrics guy, so the musical talents of my partner in crime have made for a few nice tracks.
I built a bass from scratch about 5 years ago (http://www.thecavanproject.com/bass-bassic-designs-001/ - I will eventually put some more pics up of it!), and I’ve got another one that’s been half finished for a couple of years (http://www.thecavanproject.com/bass-bassic-designs-003/). I’ve also made a few cigar box guitars as well (http://www.thecavanproject.com/four-...om-box-guitar/).
I’ve got a few ideas around using Pitbull kits as a canvas for some modifications, and I’m jumping in with a TL-1 (which should arrive in the next couple of days). The bit I’m really interested in is finishing – I’ve done some tru-oil finishing, but never paint. I’ve got a thing for early Fender colours so looking to see what I can do on that front – and will certainly be tapping into the brains’ trust here for some help!