Look what arrived at my work on Thursday.......
Bigger than what I anticipated as it is only a 12" speaker yet the box looks big enough to house a 15"....it dwarfs the 2 Vox Amps where the tiddler is a VT40+ with a 10" speaker whilst piggy in the middle is a VT80+ with a 12" speaker. Sounds sweet but could only play it soft today as the minister for war & peace was home and was trying to Skype our Son & daughter-in-law who live in NZ.
Absolutely rapt as it only cost $399 delivered from Sydney to Maroochydore. Was tempted to buy the HD50 which has a 10" and only cost $299 but this one also comes with the 7 band graphic eq, plus it will be louder thus providing more headroom at lower volumes.
Keen to see what everyone else is using now or what they may have once had in their collection. Next frame will show you what I used last Century BC (before children & marriage).