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Thread: School of Rock? JB4->PJ4

  1. #1

    Cool School of Rock? JB4


    So the long awaited school project is upon us. Basically I work there and work with some kids, and I play bass at the weekly services. But I also run a band - and the kids want to play bass. And long story short the only bass I have is very expensive and I don't want to take it to and from work all the time.

    So... here's the build idea as it goes so far.

    I've ordered a JB-4 kit (Maple neck!). Pics of the fit will go up as soon as it gets here. What we're going to do is dismantle the control plate and throw it away. And using chisels (the kids, not me) we're going to cut out a swimming pool for a PB style pickguard

    I've gone ahead and bought a red tortoise shell P bass pickguard, which is where the three knobs will go. We'll be drilling an input (hopefully the kids, we'll see how permission goes) down the side of the guitar, more like a modern guitar.

    From there we'll be expanding the top pickup

    I'm hoping it all goes smoothly with some chisels and gouges because I don't feel like getting a router (no $$ anyway). Hopefully the basswood is soft enough. If it's too hard then I'll be doing it by hand over some weeks.

    From there we'll have some upgrades, some toneriders most likely. Or maybe one quarter pound and one tonerider. Everything else will stay stock.

    As for the design I'm letting the kiddos have a go at designing what they think might look nice on paper. Depending on how they go (i.e. I get anything at all that seems doable) then we'll go ahead and probably paint the guitar, as opposed to stain it. Something memorable for the class for the year. If not paint - then sharpies over primer.

    Anyway - I'm looking forward to it. It'll also be my first passive bass and a real memento for me . Not sure if we'll get pics of the kids having a go at the soldering etc (due to permissions) but we'll have a go anyway.

    If all else fails - I'm just going to go for a cream P bass.
    Last edited by ihasmario; 13-08-2016 at 12:01 AM.

  2. #2
    Overlord of Music andrewdosborne's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Sydney, NSW
    Great sounding project, the kids will love this
    Current Projects
    #Planning 5 String Bass

  3. #3
    So it arrived in less than a day or something ludicrous.

    Everything looks ok. There's a flaw on the fretboard I'm not sure will polish out, and this is the first kit I've had where the neck join has been bad.

    Gives me an excuse to try my chisels I guess???? Neck pockets seem delicate (I think my starcaster is basically FUBAR because of a combo of the neck and bridge - don't have the willpower to sort it just yet) so I dunno how this one is going to turn out!

    Do I go at the pocket - or go at the neck?

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    Last edited by ihasmario; 14-07-2016 at 01:32 PM.

  4. #4
    GAStronomist stan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Geelong, Vic
    see if the pocket slants or the neck to create that gap, fix the one that is the most wrong.
    go lightly and take your time

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by stan View Post
    see if the pocket slants or the neck to create that gap, fix the one that is the most wrong.
    go lightly and take your time
    Yeah will do.

    Can someone recommend me a white primer that works well on bass wood? I mean, cheap and nasty stuff... :P
    Last edited by ihasmario; 14-07-2016 at 04:38 PM.

  6. #6
    So I'm a lazy builder, and I like the painting and finishing process the best.

    So I haven't done any of my alignment or drilling. And I decided I don't have enough time or money to go to PJ so here's a Jbass body which is getting painted on the front.

    Edit: I have cropped out most identifying marks of the school involved but please do not identify the school involved if you recognise the uniform.

    More to come later
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  7. #7
    Some updates.

    My supplies got thrown out by accident so I've gotta go get a wood rasp and sand paper etc to finish the headstock. And something to take the paint off and clean up the fretboard.

    We're going to get a clear pickguard and maybe trace the buildings. The writing will be in neon colours - maybe glow in the dark....

    We took the neck colour back because we decided it was too dark (for now).

    And here's what we might do on the back...

    The border colour is going to change
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  8. #8
    GAStronomist FrankenWashie's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Glebe, NSW
    That's pretty awesome, is all the paintywork done by your students?
    Hand crafting guitars, because Death Rays are expensive.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by FrankenWashie View Post
    That's pretty awesome, is all the paintywork done by your students?
    Yeah they're 12-14 year olds. I can't paint to save my life.

    (Seriously terrible)

  10. #10
    GAStronomist DrNomis_44's Avatar
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    Dec 2014
    Darwin,NT Australia
    Did you end up sorting out the issue with the neck and neck-pocket?

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