Hi Guys,
Just thought I would start yet another thread, this time it's about my Marshall MA100C 100 Watt 2 X 12 All Valve Combo amp, anyway, about a couple of years ago, I bought the amp from Sounds Of Music, one of my local music shops here in Darwin, I had been having trouble with it blowing fuses ever since I bought it, it also had a problem with the Reverb not working, so I took it back to the shop to get it sent away to get fixed, got it back from the shops about a month later, the Reverb apparently had been fixed, not long after that the Reverb stopped working again, so, rather than send it away, I decided to fix it myself, turned out it was a broken wire in the Reverb tray that stopped the Reverb from working, later on that year the amp started blowing fuses randomly, eventually I ended up getting a mate of mine to do some tech work on the amp, a couple of days ago, I texted my mate doing the tech work on my amp and he said that he would do some work on it in the next few days, he's going to change out all the original power valves and the Output transformer, hopefully I should have the amp back home in a fortnight's time or so, I'm pretty excited to be able to use it again cause I have been missing it, when it was working well it did sound really good.
Here's a pic of my Marshall MA100C amp: