Glad you like it Marze hope it helped. Here's another great technique. After recording your acoustic, double it. Then if you have another acoustic guitar put thinner strings on the E A D G strings tune just these 4 strings up an octave higher. It's great like a cleaner 12 string sound when mixed. This video will explain it a little more. Start watching at about 6 mins in
Last edited by kimball492; 06-07-2016 at 01:28 PM.
First Act ME276 (resurrected curb-side find)
Scratchie lapsteel
Custom ST-1 12 String
Scratch Lapsteel
Meinl DIY Cajon
Cigar Box lap steel
Open D/Standard Double 6 twin neck
Exactly using the Nashville tuning mixed with a normal guitar tuning on another guitar, does give a sound that is different to a 12 string. its also easier to pick individual strings notes too. But do also love my 12 string guitar. its a great option when you don't have a 12 string guitar but want the chords to ring out or want clearer acoustic riffs.
Last edited by kimball492; 06-07-2016 at 01:24 PM.
#1 TL-1Q - First build ... aborted
#2 TLA-1 - Blue with Black Burst - Complete
#3 NonPB ES-335 - Red Flamed Maple - in progress
#4 ES-1TL - on order
#5 PRS-1 - on order