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Thread: New Member, First Build!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2016
    Toronto, Canada

    New Member, First Build!

    Hey All!

    Just got my first kit, the RCA-4 the other day. Very excited to start, but after taking it out and trying to put it together just to make sure everything fits it seems like the neck is too big? It wont go in easily, and I dont want to force it. Is this something I can just sand down to get right or should I return it?

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_20160611_172436.jpg 
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ID:	11854   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_20160611_172537.jpg 
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ID:	11856  
    Last edited by dannybeezle; 12-06-2016 at 06:35 AM.

  2. #2
    GAStronomist stan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Geelong, Vic
    Some neck fits are tight. Also some slide in better fro the front and some drop in better from the top - depends on the neck and pocket taper. Check these before you sand anything. A neck should be tight enough to stay in situ with no glue. Welcome and enjoy

  3. #3
    Moderator Brendan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Perth, WA
    Tighter the better Danny - if it won't fit at all, give it the lightest of sands until it will fit in and be tight. Ideal is as above - the neck should be tight enough to stay in without glue. That said, some are slightly thicker at the heel of the neck than where the front of the guitar meets the neck, so be sure to put it in vertically (which it looks like you're doing in the photos, but just in case).

  4. #4
    GAStronomist wokkaboy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Perth WA
    welcome to the forum Dan, as others have said give the neck heel a light sand on each side till it fits. Keep checking regularly as a tight fit is best. The neck alignment isn't critical as you will be drilling your bridge in place to get equal string alignment to the edge of the fingerboard
    Current Builds and status
    scratch end grain pine tele - first clear coat on !
    JBA-4 - assembled - final tweaks
    Telemonster double scale tele - finish tobacco burst on body and sand neck

    Completed builds
    scratch oak.rose gum Jazzmaster - assembled needs setup
    MK-2 Mosrite - assembled - play in
    Ash tele with Baritone neck - neck pup wiring tweaks and play in

  5. #5
    Member euroa guitars's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Euroa Victoria
    Hi Dan
    Welcome mate, these guys have a ton of knowledge so you should be fine with your build, if you are sanding just make sure you use a sanding block (or scrap square timber) just to keep everything nice and square.
    Good luck with the build and enjoy!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2016
    Toronto, Canada
    I was able to sand it down lightly and get it so that its sitting well in the pocket now. Thanks for the advice, and look forward to future wisdom!


  7. #7
    GAStronomist wokkaboy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Perth WA
    good result Dan, glad it worked out. Ask any future questions you have we are here to help out !
    Current Builds and status
    scratch end grain pine tele - first clear coat on !
    JBA-4 - assembled - final tweaks
    Telemonster double scale tele - finish tobacco burst on body and sand neck

    Completed builds
    scratch oak.rose gum Jazzmaster - assembled needs setup
    MK-2 Mosrite - assembled - play in
    Ash tele with Baritone neck - neck pup wiring tweaks and play in

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