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Thread: Tank & Cooper

  1. #1
    Mentor Zandit75's Avatar
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    Tank & Cooper

    Here's my boys. Tank is an Australian Shepherd, crossed with a Red Heeler, and Cooper is a Border Collie crossed with a Spaniel of some description.
    Tank is lucky to be here. He was bitten my a Tiger Snake in our back yard a couple of months ago. I believe it happened not long before I got home from work, and luckily the Vet was still at the clinic when I called. $1300 dollars later, he still has some confusion with the operation of his legs thanks to some nerve damage from the venom. But thankfully he hasn't lost his spirit!

    And just to ensure the Wife doesn't feel left out, here i her baby, Opie.
    1995 Maton EM725C - Solid 'A' Spruce Top, QLD Walnut B&S, AP5 Pickup
    2015 Ibanez AEL108MD-NT - Laminated Spruce top, Laminated Mahogany B&S, Fishman Sonicore Pickup

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  2. Liked by: adam, dingobass, nDR01d

  3. #2
    Member nDR01d's Avatar
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    You have adorable dogs - but that cat. That photo speaks volumes. I wouldn't go anywhere near that thing without welders gloves or something similar!
    I think I have about 14 guitars on my to-do list...

  4. Liked by: wazkelly

  5. #3
    Mentor Zandit75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nDR01d View Post
    You have adorable dogs - but that cat. That photo speaks volumes. I wouldn't go anywhere near that thing without welders gloves or something similar!
    Haha, he is actually the biggest powderpuff. Not an aggressive bone in his body! Unfortunately, I prefer a bit more aggression in my cats, this one is a big let down!!
    1995 Maton EM725C - Solid 'A' Spruce Top, QLD Walnut B&S, AP5 Pickup
    2015 Ibanez AEL108MD-NT - Laminated Spruce top, Laminated Mahogany B&S, Fishman Sonicore Pickup

    Pitbull LP-1S -
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  6. #4
    GAStronomist DrNomis_44's Avatar
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    Tank and Cooper look like a lovely pair of Dogs, Tank is very lucky to be still alive, Tiger Snakes are supposed to be one of the most venomous species of snakes in Australia, and their venom is supposed to be very potent, Opie's a real cute looking cat, out of my two cats, Holly is probably the most aggressive when she wants to be, she was a bit bitey and scratchy when she was a kitten, the other cat, Gengle, is real placid.

  7. Liked by: Zandit75

  8. #5
    Mentor Zandit75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrNomis_44 View Post
    Tank and Cooper look like a lovely pair of Dogs, Tank is very lucky to be still alive, Tiger Snakes are supposed to be one of the most venomous species of snakes in Australia, and their venom is supposed to be very potent, Opie's a real cute looking cat, out of my two cats, Holly is probably the most aggressive when she wants to be, she was a bit bitey and scratchy when she was a kitten, the other cat, Gengle, is real placid.
    Thanks Doc, I'm very lucky to have my boy still with me. The timing of it all was crazy.

    I regularly donate Plasma after work, which can take anywhere from 45mins, to an 1&1/2hrs. This same night they asked if they could take whole blood, which is over an done with in about 15mins, so I arrived home about 1/2hr before normal.
    Tank was not waiting for me at the back door like normal, but Cooper was, which straight away was weird.

    I called out to him a couple of times, and heard some noise coming from around the corner, and when he finally appeared he was staggering around like crazy but all he wanted to do was to get to me.

    The vet agreed that it looked like a snake bite, so I immediately told him to give the Anti-venom. Luckily, down here in Tassie, we only have 4 snake breeds, 2 of which are venomous. Unlike the mainland, both snakes venom can be treated with the one anti-venom.

    As you can see from the photos below, Tank has to be near me at all times. He nuzzles any chance he can get, and flops down on top of me if given half a chance.

    Cooper is his own keeper most of the time, and prefers to try and keep a ball or tugging rope away from you at all times!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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    1995 Maton EM725C - Solid 'A' Spruce Top, QLD Walnut B&S, AP5 Pickup
    2015 Ibanez AEL108MD-NT - Laminated Spruce top, Laminated Mahogany B&S, Fishman Sonicore Pickup

    Pitbull LP-1S -
    Carsen Superstrat Rebuild -

    Builds in Progress:
    Silent Guitar Semi-Scratch Build -

  9. Liked by: cade711, nDR01d

  10. #6
    GAStronomist wazkelly's Avatar
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    Nice affectionate looking dog you have there.

    Hey Doc, Inland Taipan followed by King Brown or Mulga snake rank higher than Tigers for how potent their venom is. Have spoken with many FIFO mine workers and they usually carry satellite phones and reckon if bitten by a Taipan you barely have enough time to call your loved ones before it's all over. What makes them even more deadly is that are usually 2.0m or more in length, very nervous and strike fast up to the full length of their body multiple times.

    Zandit's dog was very lucky indeed.

  11. Liked by: Zandit75

  12. #7
    GAStronomist stan's Avatar
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    Glad Tank is doing well

  13. Liked by: Zandit75

  14. #8
    Mentor Zandit75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wazkelly View Post
    Nice affectionate looking dog you have there.

    Hey Doc, Inland Taipan followed by King Brown or Mulga snake rank higher than Tigers for how potent their venom is. Have spoken with many FIFO mine workers and they usually carry satellite phones and reckon if bitten by a Taipan you barely have enough time to call your loved ones before it's all over. What makes them even more deadly is that are usually 2.0m or more in length, very nervous and strike fast up to the full length of their body multiple times.

    Zandit's dog was very lucky indeed.
    Quote Originally Posted by stan View Post
    Glad Tank is doing well
    Thanks Guys, most appreciated!
    1995 Maton EM725C - Solid 'A' Spruce Top, QLD Walnut B&S, AP5 Pickup
    2015 Ibanez AEL108MD-NT - Laminated Spruce top, Laminated Mahogany B&S, Fishman Sonicore Pickup

    Pitbull LP-1S -
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  15. #9
    Mentor Zandit75's Avatar
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    You know how I was saying how much I love my dogs........

    1995 Maton EM725C - Solid 'A' Spruce Top, QLD Walnut B&S, AP5 Pickup
    2015 Ibanez AEL108MD-NT - Laminated Spruce top, Laminated Mahogany B&S, Fishman Sonicore Pickup

    Pitbull LP-1S -
    Carsen Superstrat Rebuild -

    Builds in Progress:
    Silent Guitar Semi-Scratch Build -

  16. #10
    GAStronomist wokkaboy's Avatar
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    bwhahah bit of a mess, so is that Tank or Coopers handy work ?

    Edit I scrolled up, looks like Cooper is the naughty boy !
    Current Builds and status
    scratch end grain pine tele - first clear coat on !
    JBA-4 - assembled - final tweaks
    Telemonster double scale tele - finish tobacco burst on body and sand neck

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    MK-2 Mosrite - assembled - play in
    Ash tele with Baritone neck - neck pup wiring tweaks and play in

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