Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen to my second PBG Build Diary. I have just finished off another ST-1 this week (one that I call the Flash*), so to keep me off these Queensland country streets and out of trouble, I have begun the process of bringing out the latent beauty in this factory 2nd. I am kind of travelling without a map on this one - there is no great plan for it. I am leaning towards an aging process like Kenfu did for his LP-1S in November 2015 GOTM (still scratching my head how he did that black mirror finish on the back) but instead of a black tint, with a bit of pink like Silky Oak wood. If I get the funds approved from the Minister, I think I'd like some Zebra Entwistles in there too
So I thought I'd start at the top this time (normally I go straight into sanding the body) and I have decided that unlike Wokks PRS-1S demo headstock (which is great btw, but similar to the original PRS headstock shape) on the PBG website, I would use another curve (I've used one on a LP-1MQ, called '39').
The photos of 39s' headstock so you can see the curve, the Flash I just finished (with a crazy SSH setup**) and the PRS-1S headstock with the marking for the curve and the finished product are over at:
This is so that I am a good PBG Forum citizen and don't take up too much space on Adams' servers with my ordinary photos. =D
Now I can't promise that this will be a quick build, but I will do my best to make it interesting.
PS: If in the travels of this build anyone gets an idea for a name for this baby, let me know. So far (I suspect because I have 4 kids who are all loving the Superhero movies/TV shows out atm...) I have other electrics named the Ghost Rider, Booster Gold, the Black Widow and the White Lantern.
*Not as in Flash Gordon, but as in Jay Garrick, Wally West, Barry Allen etc.
**The unique pickguard was wonderfully cut by Pablo Pepper. Much thanks to him.