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Thread: ST-1JR ...but it may not end up that way.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    ST-1JR ...but it may not end up that way.

    The purpose of this build is to finish with something that my 8 year old daughter can comfortably play.....

    Along the way we will see:
    a. Is building guitars suitable mantherapy (and therefore supported in future by She Who Must Be Obeyed),
    b. What will a guitar essentially designed by an 8 year old girl look like,
    c. Does Dad have mad skills that have been dormant for 46 years,
    d. If a father and daughter who have questionable trade talent can build something together that's playable and looks cool, and
    e. Is it possible to turn an ST1JR into a short scale bass?

    WTF have I started....
    Just completed turning a ST1-JR into a short scale bass with Miss 8 as co-pilot

    Build diary

    DIY Guitar Rack for GAS


  2. Liked by: FrankenWashie

  3. #2
    GAStronomist FrankenWashie's Avatar
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    Glebe, NSW
    Now that's an intro!
    a. Yes, mostly. Though it can lead to GAS (Guitar Acquisition Syndrome) which most likely will not be supported by SWMBO.
    b. I think we all need that question answered!
    c. You may surprise yourself, your daughter and SWMBO
    d. Review some of the other threads, consult the Oracles (The same knowledgable and helpful names pop up in every thread, start with DingoBass and Wokkaboy) and read through the How to Section, you'll do fine.
    e. Not sure if you can without having a specialist neck made, as I imagine (I don't know for sure) that the fret spacings will be different @DB, can you advise?

    Above all, just have fun with it! At the very least you have a sanding assistant, that's a step up on the rest of us!

  4. #3
    Overlord of Music andrewdosborne's Avatar
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    Sydney, NSW
    Welcome to the Forum Tony! Looking forward to following your build.

    In answer to your questions (from my experience..)

    a. Is building guitars suitable mantherapy (and therefore supported in future by She Who Must Be Obeyed),
    Yes, but you will struggle with the Ministry of Finance & War after half a dozen builds...

    b. What will a guitar essentially designed by an 8 year old girl look like,
    Pink or pink/purple. A pink or purple strap is also required. It may involve flowers or Hello Kitty

    c. Does Dad have mad skills that have been dormant for 46 years,
    Yes, we all have an inner luthier buried somewhere inside us

    d. If a father and daughter who have questionable trade talent can build something together that's playable and looks cool, and
    Most definitely and is good bonding time

    e. Is it possible to turn an ST1JR into a short scale bass?
    Not sure on that one!
    Current Projects
    #Planning 5 String Bass

  5. Liked by: FrankenWashie

  6. #4
    Member J.P's Avatar
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    Apr 2016
    Kudos to you Tony.

    I've been thinking about building a hello kitty Jr. Strat for my daughter so I am keen to see how you go and what your daughter comes up with

  7. #5
    Overlord of Music Dedman's Avatar
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    The "Fabulous" Gold Coast
    Hell No Kitty is kooler
    Build 19 PSH-1 Kustom
    Build 18 HB-4S Kustom
    Build 17 WL-1 Kustom
    Build 16 TL-1TB Kustom
    Build 15 PBG-2-
    Build 14 FTD-1
    Build 13 RD-1 Kustom
    Build 12 DM-1S
    Build 11 MKA-2 -
    Build 10 Basic strat
    Build 9 JM Kustom
    Build 8 FV-1G
    Build 7 ES-2V
    Build 6- Community prototype
    Build 5 LP-1LQ
    Build 4 ES-5V
    Build 3 JR-1
    Build 2 GD-1
    Build 1 TLA-1

  8. #6
    Overlord of Music andrewdosborne's Avatar
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    Sydney, NSW
    Nice one Dedman love kitty's fangs

    Sent from my GT-I9506 using Tapatalk
    Current Projects
    #Planning 5 String Bass

  9. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Dedman you would be spot on for Miss 8's psychopathic little sister, and yes andrewdosborne it will involve some pink....ok maybe a lot of pink.
    Just completed turning a ST1-JR into a short scale bass with Miss 8 as co-pilot

    Build diary

    DIY Guitar Rack for GAS


  10. #8
    GAStronomist wazkelly's Avatar
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    Caloundra West, Sunshine Coast Qld
    Hi Akpane, like your thinking but not sure it can be done without a few mods such as...

    a) the 6 peg holes would need to be filled and then re-drilled to take the larger Bass Machine Heads. Also not sure peg head would be big or strong enough.
    b) would require a new nut with just 4 slots not the 6 as comes standard with the kit
    c) cannot even think what guage bass strings you would need as if they were super light it may not sound too much different to a guitar
    d) agree with others that the Hoffner might be best bet as it is the smallest body, semi hollow plus 30" scale

  11. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Waz you are entirely correct. Miss 8 has identified 'her' next build as the HB-4 'cause it looks kind of cool' ....and it may also help that a certain Grandpa is a Beatles nut.

    We are going to give a set of short scale flatwounds a may or may not work..this whole project is a suck it and see...and if something doesn't work the first time around, we'll just find another way until it does.

    So we started our build back at the start of March when we received out box of doom containing the ST-1JR, a PBG N1M Maple neck and a set of Tonerider TRP1 PBass pickups.
    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	11242
    Last edited by apkane; 13-05-2016 at 11:19 PM.
    Just completed turning a ST1-JR into a short scale bass with Miss 8 as co-pilot

    Build diary

    DIY Guitar Rack for GAS


  12. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    We then went to work on the neck plugging the unwanted holes with dowel..
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_3281.jpg 
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Size:	356.2 KB 
ID:	11243

    Cutting off the dangly bits...
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_3297.jpg 
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ID:	11244

    and then bogging any gaps front and back..
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_3301.jpg 
Views:	560 
Size:	404.4 KB 
ID:	11245
    Just completed turning a ST1-JR into a short scale bass with Miss 8 as co-pilot

    Build diary

    DIY Guitar Rack for GAS


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