G'day folks.
Got my TL kit yesterday, thanks to Adam and the guys at pit bull for accomodating my numerous requests! Great customer service guys. Looking forward to getting stuck in to my first ever geetar build.
Fist impressions are the body and neck are pretty nicely done right out of the box. The neck fits nice and snug in the pocket and the body is free of dings or blemishes.
My plan for this build is a metallic gold finish using automotive aerosols, most likely with the black pick guard, blade or single coil humbucker in the bridge and full humbucker at the neck. Not sure of the wiring configuration yet but I'd like a push pull arrangement so I'll be upgrading the switch and pots. All this is of course subject to change and probably far exceeds my abilities! Plan B is a traditional Tele set up with some hot toneriders.
Any opinions on the kit supplied tuners or is it worth the $ to get an upgrade ?
I hope to get the sanding completed this weekend, and possibly primer. Will I need a sanding sealer before the auto primer ? Will they be compatible ? All suggestions welcome.