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Thread: help!! bridge

  1. #1
    Member Sheven's Avatar
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    South Strya

    help!! bridge

    i'm having a massive problem with my strings. I've tried leveling the frets.. then put two strings on but i keep getting this dull mute noise when i put my finger on a fret.. and i have no idea what is wrong...?? can someone please help because i'm really concerned that i've done something wrong...

  2. #2
    We need more information and, ideally, some pictures before we can say if anything is wrong. You have two strings on, is this part of attaching the neck or the bridge or setting it up? Did you get the bridge/trem installed correctly? What steps did you take to level the frets? We need more info before we can offer advice.

  3. #3
    Member peterh's Avatar
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    I'm no expert on these things, but I have a couple questions for you (forgive me if they sound obvious, but just trying to determine where the problem might be).
    How do the strings sound when played open - do they sound normal or do they sound muted also?
    Is there any buzzing with the muted sound or does it sound like when you mute a string in a chord by just touching the string with your finger?
    You say you put your finger on a fret - do you mean the fret wire or the fingerboard for that fret (should be pressing on fingerboard)? Is there any space between the string and the next highest fret (eg. if you press on 4th fret, is there any space between 5th fret wire and string)?

  4. #4
    Moderator Gavin1393's Avatar
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    You have clearly done something wrong so you're correct. And second you've made a great decision jumping onto the forum to ask. Thirdly you have the wiring guru already assisting you (weirdbits) so your solution is not far away.

    As Weirdbits has suggested some pictures of the fretboard with open string and fretted plus some individual close-up pictures of the wiring (pots, switch and jack) will allow us to pin point the issue for you.  448Gavmeister

  5. #5
    Overlord of Music
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    Aug 2012
    My 2c worth. Only putting 2 strings on won't put enough tension on the neck to know where it's going to sit with 3x the strings on. Not enough tension on the neck means there could be fret outs, as I think is what's happening here.

    Put all six strings on, tune to pitch (or as close as you can) and if you are still getting muted strings, take some pics of where the strings are touching and the bridge and the nut and get back to us.
    'As long as there's, you know, sex and drugs, I can do without the rock and roll.'

  6. #6
    Member Sheven's Avatar
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    so i took my local music center. the trust rod was to tight. how ever he said file down the nut.. and bring back and he'll do the bridge.. how ever the guitar now sounds fine. so do not worry about the nut? and just leave it?
    Regards Sean

  7. #7
    GAStronomist wokkaboy's Avatar
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    Perth WA
    Hi Sean,
    if the nut is too high it will be hard to intonate and will be hard work fretting lower frets.

    Maybe ask your music centre to cut you a bone nut will give you much better sound and tuning stability
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  8. #8
    Overlord of Music
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    A high nut will mean the first few frets will sound sharp.
    'As long as there's, you know, sex and drugs, I can do without the rock and roll.'

  9. #9
    Member Sheven's Avatar
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    South Strya
    the open low e going up sounds a little dingy but otherwise its fine

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