I thought i'd better get this up before Wokks has kittens in anticipation.
As I'm nearly finished my LP-1SS its time for a new build. I couldn't have Wazkelly having more builds than i do at the one time.
I (quite really badly) wanted to base this build on Jack Ladder's Epiphone Sheraton with frequensator trapeze.
Just to show how awesome Adam is, I specifically asked him if he had an ES with a stuffed veneer because I couldn't bear the thought of painting a solid colour over a perfectly good one.
It just so happens he hooked me up, and it was a match made in heaven.
Some pics of the warn through veneer...
I can now proceed, guilt free.
I'll be following Darthdamos approach to his ESB4 in black for the painting (without the staining and angst first).
I intend to use the PBG gold tuners and humbuckers that I got with my LP-1SS and replaced with klusons. I'll probably change the magnet in the humbuckers with Alnicos and wax pot them.
I'm going to plug the bridge and saddle mount holes and when I decide what size tune-o-matic bridge I'll get, I will re-drill. (unless anyone has a gold PBG saddle, mounting posts and bushings they want to trade for something)