I've tried all the BB code I can think of to make text 'strikethough' and nothing works.
I find it handy if, as an example, you put something in a post and you later find it inaccurate. Like I said "wet sand with TO and 600 grit W&D". I later found the source of my information and wanted to change it to 1200 grit. I think it's good to show the original information has been changed, or added to.
From what I've found, I believe the admin needs to enable this by creating a custom BB code.
Here's what I found on the Vbulletin forum...
AdminCP > Custom BB Codes > Add New BB Code
Fill in the fields as follows:
Title: Strike
Tag: strike
Replacement: <strike>{param}</strike>
Example: [strike]strikeout text[/strike]
Description: The [strike] tag allows you to display crossed-out text
Use Option: No
You can create a button image if you like for the new posting windows, I haven't bothered though.