Here are a couple of new pics of my two pet cats, I got them as kittens from a former friend about a year or so ago, since they're from the same litter they are virtually brother and sister, they get on pretty well with each other, the male cat, Gengle, is the more placid and friendly of the two, which is surprising considering he was a bit shy as a kitten, the female cat, Holly, is a bit bitey and clawy but can be friendly when she wants to be.
Here's Gengle, I named him after one of the characters in one of my Legend Of Zelda video games:
Gengle sometimes likes to curl up in my lap when I'm working on something on my desktop PC, or working on my strat build, he's also the more vocal of the two.
Here's Holly, she's named after a character in one of my Red Dwarf DVDs:
Holly has a habit of hopping up onto my bed when I'm sleeping and standing on my back or tummy, and then she kneads with her paws and lets out a short meow till I open my eyes, she sometimes tries to wake me up by tapping my mouth with her paws, she's pretty smart too.