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Thread: Gengle and Holly

  1. #1
    GAStronomist DrNomis_44's Avatar
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    Gengle and Holly

    Here are a couple of new pics of my two pet cats, I got them as kittens from a former friend about a year or so ago, since they're from the same litter they are virtually brother and sister, they get on pretty well with each other, the male cat, Gengle, is the more placid and friendly of the two, which is surprising considering he was a bit shy as a kitten, the female cat, Holly, is a bit bitey and clawy but can be friendly when she wants to be.

    Here's Gengle, I named him after one of the characters in one of my Legend Of Zelda video games:

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Gengle_resized.jpg 
Views:	694 
Size:	234.2 KB 
ID:	10004

    Gengle sometimes likes to curl up in my lap when I'm working on something on my desktop PC, or working on my strat build, he's also the more vocal of the two.

    Here's Holly, she's named after a character in one of my Red Dwarf DVDs:

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Holly_resized.jpg 
Views:	729 
Size:	182.2 KB 
ID:	10005

    Holly has a habit of hopping up onto my bed when I'm sleeping and standing on my back or tummy, and then she kneads with her paws and lets out a short meow till I open my eyes, she sometimes tries to wake me up by tapping my mouth with her paws, she's pretty smart too.
    Last edited by DrNomis_44; 31-03-2016 at 10:13 AM.

  2. Liked by: adam

  3. #2
    GAStronomist wazkelly's Avatar
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    Nice ones Doc.

    Cats are a lot smarter than most people realise and each have their own unique personality.

    I think the saying goes cats have masters whilst dogs have owners as quite often we are servants to these small, indifferent, demanding balls of fluff. Dogs on the other hand give unconditional love an companionship and can be a bit demanding in their own way too.

    Sadly both our kelpie/cattle dog and cat have passed on after reaching almost 18 years each. Kids have also moved out of home and whilst it feels a bit lonely after a few seconds you start to appreciate how much more freedom we have. Another pet would be nice but not ready to commit to that for a while.

  4. #3
    Sorry to hear about your pets kelly.

    Thats a cute couple of cats doc Holly reminds me of my childhood cat who still lives at my parents house 20 years old and counting! Didnt have the heart to take her with me when i moved out. A house with a big yard to a 2nd floor appartment wouldnt have done her much good i think.

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  5. #4
    Overlord of Music dave.king1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wazkelly View Post
    Nice ones Doc.

    Cats are a lot smarter than most people realise and each have their own unique personality.

    I think the saying goes cats have masters whilst dogs have owners as quite often we are servants to these small, indifferent, demanding balls of fluff. Dogs on the other hand give unconditional love an companionship and can be a bit demanding in their own way too.

    Sadly both our kelpie/cattle dog and cat have passed on after reaching almost 18 years each. Kids have also moved out of home and whilst it feels a bit lonely after a few seconds you start to appreciate how much more freedom we have. Another pet would be nice but not ready to commit to that for a while.
    I thought the saying was something like.

    Dogs have family, cats have support staff

  6. Liked by: wazkelly

  7. #5
    GAStronomist DrNomis_44's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dave.king1 View Post
    I thought the saying was something like.

    Dogs have family, cats have support staff

    In actual fact, the cats own us, when a cat rubs itself on a person's leg the person will interpret that as a sign that the cat likes them when what the cat is really doing is marking the person with it's scent as a way of claiming ownership.

  8. #6
    Moderator dingobass's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dave.king1 View Post
    I thought the saying was something like.

    Dogs have family, cats have support staff
    Dogs have servants, cats have slaves.....

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  9. #7
    Moderator dingobass's Avatar
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    Some folk say that Cat kneading is a sign of affection...
    I say it is the Cat probing for internal weaknesses to incorporate into the next assasination attempt.

    There is always a workaround for glitches, mistakes and other Guitar building gremlins.....

  10. Liked by: wazkelly

  11. #8
    GAStronomist DrNomis_44's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dingobass View Post
    Some folk say that Cat kneading is a sign of affection...
    I say it is the Cat probing for internal weaknesses to incorporate into the next assasination attempt.

    From what I've read online, Cat Kneading is actually a behavior left over from when the cat was a kitten, Cats knead when they are feeling happy and contented, kneading is usually accompanied by purring.

  12. #9
    GAStronomist wazkelly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dingobass View Post
    Some folk say that Cat kneading is a sign of affection...
    I say it is the Cat probing for internal weaknesses to incorporate into the next assasination attempt.
    Thinking that they are apex predators.

  13. #10
    GAStronomist DrNomis_44's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wazkelly View Post
    Thinking that they are apex predators.

    The modern domesticated cat that we know today actually evolved from wild cats that ancient man kept as pets, so in a way you're right in saying that they are apex predators, it's just that mankind domesticated them.

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