My mate has an SX lap steel and was mumbling about selling a heap of stuff to buy a Fender lappy.
I told him it's only a piece of 4x2 with a set of tuners on one end and a bridge at the other so the only real difference apart from the name will be the quality of the pup.
Current pup is a P90, so the options are a better P90 or a coil tapped bucker.
Style wise we play country and 56 style rock & roll so we want predominantly clean with a bit of grit occasionally.
He plays it through Digitec multi effects pedal and a Hartke bass amp which does sound really nice.
If it was mine I'd probably leave it as it is but he has a nagging belief that it could be better.
So over to the masses, some recommendations please that preferably don't require routing which I can do but would prefer not to because it would be irreversible.