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Thread: New Member DaveA

  1. #1

    New Member DaveA


    New member DaveA is not familiar with Forums but wants some advice. I've set him up as a user, so hopefully we can send him a link to this thread and he can read and respond to your comments.

    His question is:

    >> Your guitar kits look great.I'm interested in one that has binding
    >> around the top of the body.I would like to paint the body black.How
    >> do I do that with the binding on the body?
    >> Thanks
    >> Dave

    Can Dave use an acrylic spray on the binding, or would he need to replace the cream binding with a black binding?

    Thanks in advance for any suggestions.



  2. #2
    GAStronomist wokkaboy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Perth WA
    Hi DaveA welcome to the forum,
    think if you painted the binding with acrylic paint it would eventually wear off, so think if you want a permanent black binding it will need to be replaced.
    Start a build diary when you get the kit and we'll guide you through the process.
    If your question meant how do you keep the binding from not getting painted get some good quality painters tape to mask the binding, try and get tape the same width as the binding and take your time applying it

    @ Ads happy birthday for yesterday, I meant to send you a message, DB told me yesterday
    Last edited by wokkaboy; 05-03-2016 at 03:46 PM.
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  3. #3
    Member DaveyCustom's Avatar
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    Boston, MA
    It sounds to me like hes worried about getting paint on the binding. He said he wants to paint the body black, not the binding. Id suggest just carefully masking it off. If any paint slips thru, it can always be (carefully) scraped with a razor blade after the paint cures..

  4. #4
    Overlord of Music Andy40's Avatar
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    Oct 2015
    I thought he was asking that too Davey. Its a bit difficult to answer without knowing the kit.

    Before preparing the binding I would check with a magnifying glass to see if there are any hairline cracks in the binding first. I have seen problems where the paint has seeped into cracks in the binding even when taped off. If there are any cracks I would ask DB or one of the guys as to what would be a good filler for the cracks. and do that first. The wrong stuff may melt the binding.

    Then I would follow the directions on the "how to build a pit bull guitar" in preparing the binding and take the time to tape it off properly as Davey has suggested. Any seepage of paint or stain under the tape will then easily be sanded off with fine grit.
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  5. Liked by: DaveyCustom

  6. #5
    yes, I completely misread his question (now you know why I don't give build advice).

    I think there's a "masking the binding" thread somewhere. If anyone can link that, I'm sure it would be helpful.



  7. Liked by: DaveyCustom

  8. #6
    Overlord of Music Andy40's Avatar
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    Oct 2015
    This is the excerpt from Gav's post in How to build your Pit Bull Electric guitar

    Preparing the Binding BEFORE applying Dingotone
    If your guitar has binding you will spend ages removing paint from a 'keyed' binding surface if you do not prepare the binding before painting.

    I learned this trick from my good mate and fellow author on this thread DB, here is his trick for keeping the binding clean..

    After sanding, grab some 400 wet and dry and VERY carefully give the bindings a polish.
    Then break out the 600 and repeat.(If you don't have 600 grit, you can polish the binding with steel wool) Then let the Dingotoning begin!

    When you have let each coat dry, a light and VERY careful rub with the steel wool will remove any Dingotone and add to the polish on the binding.

    Do this after each coat and by the time you are at the final coat stage, you wont have to worry as the binding will be as smooth and shiny as a *censored, censored*..... you get the idea!
    Thread on cracked bindings
    Build #1 - ST-1 - Completed
    Build #2 - LP-1SS - Completed
    Build #3 - TLA-1R - Completed
    Build #4 - SGD-612 - Completed
    Build #5 - ES-1G - Completed
    Build #6 - STA-1HT | Completed
    Build #7 - ST1JR - Completed
    Current Build #8 - JBA-4
    Build #9 - Semi-scratch build Tele x 2 - Completed
    Current Build #10 - PRS-1H
    Current Build #11 - AGJR-1 - Completed
    Current Build #12 - ATL-1SB
    Current Build #13 - GST-1
    Current Build #14 - FBM-1

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