The world's worse Guitar Tutorial, by the worlds best song writer.
Taste is a fickled thing.
I've met people that are absolute geniuses at one certain subject, but totally stuffed when it comes to 'one on one ' conversation.
Same goes for Music.
My point for this example being the UK 80's band XTC
Andy Partridge, by anybody that has met him, would generally be described as a 'Prick'
Despite that, he is a word smith of considerable merit, and has written some of the finest songs I have heard.
His guitar style RE: Writing .... well, take a look in these videos ..... Brilliant ... but also a certain uniqueness .
Worth watching, both for insight into composition, but also in the way one can approach the guitar as a song writing tool .... a Master Class in this last respect.
Part 1
Apparently I can't load Two videos in one post...sorry...see next post.
Probably the most unique BASS player ever [Well JACO excepted]..... so much so he was asked to join Pink Floyd.
Why XTC as a example for a guitarist ? ... Just listen... I thought I'd keep it simple for all running in to this post for the first time, and possibly out of context , and just link to the last XTC album's, everything will become obvious.