G'day all, firstly sorry if this has been covered elsewhere. I've been playing for 40 years but never had to set up so...... I've now finished building my TL-1 and I'm now trying to set it up. I've done the action height but now to intonation. I'm using an Eno ET-68GB tuner set on "Guitar" (it has settings for Chronomatic, Guitar and Bass) and 440mz. I've tuned the 6E string, then checked with harmonic and then had to adjust the intonation and its all set. Now first problem is that I tuned the open 3rd, 2nd and 1st strings but when I tried to find the intonation for the 3, 2 and 1st strings the meter doesn't even register. I tried adjusting both ways but no go. I then tuned to best I could and all open strings sounded fine but as soon as I played a basic chord like E G or D it sounded s*&^house. Even though the E6 string is in tune, it was fine when playing E chord but was way out for a G chord. Obviously I've stuffed something up but what? Any clues or hints will be very much appreciated.