Hi everyone,
A few years ago I bought a Headless Guitar kit off eBay from an Irish online company, and when I got the kit I did a test fit of the parts to see if there were any problems, as it turned out there were some issues and in the process of doing the test fitting I managed to strip the threads in the bridge where the master-tune knob screwed into, rendering the whole bridge useless, yeah it was one of those Overlord Of Music Steinberger style bridges, I suspect that the supplied strings were too heavy a gauge of strings and they really should have been something like 42-09 gauge.
Anyway, I was so annoyed about the bridge failing that I decided to ditch the project and go do something else, so the Headless Guitar has probably been sitting around unfinished for maybe two years or so.
Today, I was doing some thinking and thought that maybe I could salvage it and see if I could finally get it finished into a playable instrument, hence why I'm re-visiting it.
I was thinking about how I could deal with the mis-alignment of the bridge-pickup body rout when it occurred to me that maybe the guitar would look good if I made a scratchplate out of Aluminium that was the same shape as the body, but smaller by about 5 mm or so, then I could cut pickup mounting holes in it and mount the pickups directly on it like a Stratocaster, furthermore, why keep to the original pickup configuration when I could change it to two Humbuckers?
I found a website for a company located in Las Vegas that lists a complete Steinberger R-Trem bridge kit, and since it looks like it will fit the bridge rout, I might see if I can order one later on this year, here's a link to the website:
Here's a pic of the Headless Guitar as it is currently: