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Thread: IB1 wiring question (problem solved)

  1. #1

    IB1 wiring question (problem solved)

    Hi all, I am soldering the harness together for my IB1 and have noticed that the wiring diagram shows a switch with 8 terminals but the supplied switch only has 7 terminals. Does anyone know the layout for the 7 terminal switch?

    Cheers, Mulldoe
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_20160219_165422.jpg 
Views:	163 
Size:	109.4 KB 
ID:	8781  
    Last edited by Mulldoe; 19-02-2016 at 05:07 PM.

  2. #2
    The import style switch like above can have either 8 lugs, where the two centre lugs are the 'commons' for each pole/half, or 7 lugs (as yours is) where it uses a single 'common' that connects to both poles/halves.

    In the PBG IB-1 diagram you'll see that the 8 lug switch has a loop linking the two centre common lugs. So, for a 7 lug switch you just connect the wire from the volume pot to the centre 'common' lug and ignore the loop.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by WeirdBits View Post
    The import style switch like above can have either 8 lugs, where the two centre lugs are the 'commons' for each pole/half, or 7 lugs (as yours is) where it uses a single 'common' that connects to both poles/halves.

    In the PBG IB-1 diagram you'll see that the 8 lug switch has a loop linking the two centre common lugs. So, for a 7 lug switch you just connect the wire from the volume pot to the centre 'common' lug and ignore the loop.
    Awesome, cheers heaps mate!

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