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Thread: This could be an easy one

  1. #1

    This could be an easy one

    Hey everyone, I was thinking an EX style kit with 24 frets, shark tooth style inlay and a floating trem would be pretty sick. Anyone else keen for something like this.

  2. #2
    Hi Mulldoe, doesn't seem like there is much support, but we can certainly custom order this for you. You'd be looking around $300 and a 6-8 week wait. If you're keen, email me and we can get it happening.



  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by adam View Post
    Hi Mulldoe, doesn't seem like there is much support, but we can certainly custom order this for you. You'd be looking around $300 and a 6-8 week wait. If you're keen, email me and we can get it happening.
    Cheers Adam, might talk to you in a month or so about placing an order for it. Thanks for looking into it for me.


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