I'll be keeping a watch on this.
Probably unlike most of Pitbulls customers, I'm in my mid 50's and have played a lot of guitars from the 'Golden Era' , a lot of which I bought secondhand in the 70's, and now wish I hadn't sold on...[ both for reasons of quality of some of the build's back then, and their obvious monetary value now to collectors ]
I too am embarking on my first Pitbull builds [
ES-3 & ES1 ] more as a test session to possible future scratch builds.
Unlike the situation with a lot of builders here, I imagine my situation is different to most, I do own quite a few Fender & Gibson guitars, so I can immediately compare both construction differences and quality of the kit's.
Be under no illusion, you are NOT going to get either Fender USA or Gibson USA quality with a Pitbull kit.....but in saying that, if you have a original model of a specific guitar to compare it against, you can trick these kits out so they SOUND the SAME ...they won't feel exactly the same [As Pitbull has to change spec's to stop copyright issues], but no reasoh you can't get a really good guitar out of your build...take it SLOWLY !