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Thread: Semi hollow/Hollow Body Tenor Guitar

  1. #1

    Question Semi hollow/Hollow Body Tenor Guitar

    Hi there,
    Would you think of doing a kit for a hollow body or semi hollow body tenor guitar kit. Here in Aus guitars like these are rare as rocking horse sh#t so having the choice to build your own would be awesome. Ive attached a pic of a model Gretsch made once upon a time. the only real difference is the slimmer neck to suit 4 strings not 6.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	06-07-GRETSCH-TENORS.jpg 
Views:	404 
Size:	59.5 KB 
ID:	8578

  2. #2
    Great suggestion, unfortunately, they don't do tenor or baritone scale lengths. Not sure why, but I am working on it, we've had quite a few requests.

    Quote Originally Posted by DarrenPrimer78 View Post
    Hi there,
    Would you think of doing a kit for a hollow body or semi hollow body tenor guitar kit. Here in Aus guitars like these are rare as rocking horse sh#t so having the choice to build your own would be awesome. Ive attached a pic of a model Gretsch made once upon a time. the only real difference is the slimmer neck to suit 4 strings not 6.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	06-07-GRETSCH-TENORS.jpg 
Views:	404 
Size:	59.5 KB 
ID:	8578



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