Ok, back from another excursion into the wilderness and time for some more guitar work!
This time my first PB axe, an ST-1 will get some TLC (the last one in a long queue of upgrades). I think its about a year old now. It's played very well over this time but has revealed a few required tweaks
1. Plastic nut off, bone on.
2. Kit tuners off, Gotoh tuners on.
3. I'll revisit the fret dressing (got some nice diamond files for xmas)
4. Neck plate /screw upgrade (no real reason to do so but I have spare)
5. Trem - I'll block this off with a wedge of wood. I'm just not a tremolo type player, they drive me nuts.
6. Input jack is a shocker, a nice Switchcraft jack to the rescue!
7. Upgrade all screws to high quality. Change over string trees to roller-type ones
8. And if all goes well, a capacitor, pup, pot & switch upgrade. I'm thinking H(bridge)-S-S
9. And if I'm feeling very brave change the fret markers ....
On the bench
Plastic nut & tuners off