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Thread: graph tech ratio tuners...

  1. #1
    GAStronomist stan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Geelong, Vic

    graph tech ratio tuners...

    they seem quite good and i've heard good reports.

    the down side is if you ever need to replace a tuner, you will need a specific one...

    oh, and no leftie option

  2. #2
    GAStronomist wokkaboy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Perth WA
    interesting Stan, never seen a tuner set with different winding ratios. The theory sounds good. Would have to try them out and would take some adjustment to get used to them.
    You read many reviews on them Stan ?

    no lefty option that's a bit rough mate !
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  3. #3
    GAStronomist stan's Avatar
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    Geelong, Vic
    just read some chat on FB about them, apparently they are good, time will tell

    no lefty option is good, saved me a few bucks more than once haha

  4. #4
    GAStronomist wokkaboy's Avatar
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    Dec 2012
    Perth WA
    I think the different ratios could play with your mind if you had to jump on an axe with standard tuners, then back to these. Would be like throwing in a reverse wound string on one turner hahah
    Current Builds and status
    scratch end grain pine tele - first clear coat on !
    JBA-4 - assembled - final tweaks
    Telemonster double scale tele - finish tobacco burst on body and sand neck

    Completed builds
    scratch oak.rose gum Jazzmaster - assembled needs setup
    MK-2 Mosrite - assembled - play in
    Ash tele with Baritone neck - neck pup wiring tweaks and play in

  5. #5
    GAStronomist DrNomis_44's Avatar
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    Dec 2014
    Darwin,NT Australia
    These are a really interesting idea and it just confirms a little theory I had about certain gauges of strings suiting Tuners with certain gear-ratios.

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