Overlord of Music
Tone Shootout with Speakers from Eminence, Celestion, and Hempopotamus
Interesting video clip. I thought the Eminence sound best overall and was quite surprised being such a Marshall/Celestion 25W Greenback fan from way back.
Overlord of Music
Personally for bass I love a nice 10" Eminence speaker!
Hi Kels, do you run just one, a pair, or a quad box full of them?
Overlord of Music
I persnally enjoy a 250W head and a pair of 10" speakers, easy to carry, small, light, punchy!
Overlord of Music
Another vote for the Eminence 10s here, I have a pair of bass and a pair of wide range speakers in a small open back quad box.
H||H IC 100-S 100w solid state head, bright channel for guitar and the normal channel for bass. H||H amps were used by Marc Bolan amongst others.
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