Just got my kit in the mail. 9 days from order to here. Not bad considering it usually takes 4-5 days just to get mail from my family in Montana!
The wood is just plain awesome. Exactly what I was wanting. A little concerned about the tape marks on the top though. The veneer is super thin. Not sure how much sanding I can do to get rid of it... But, my plan is to use a chemical stain to age/grey the wood, and my fall back plan if everything goes wrong is to just go classic black lacquer anyway, not too bad. And I have been playing with different ways of doing designs in wood (other than just paint, like doing ammonia staining or wood burning and such...) so maybe I can just cover it if I can't sand it. There's always the microwave coil and baking-soda lightning...
Did a dry fit of all the parts. Had a bit of a panic when the bridge humbucker sat waaaaay to high until I realized it wasn't the bridge pup but the neck pup... Duh. Have 2 concerns maybe you folks can help me out with.
1) in the assembly video on the Pitbull site, and on other vids I've seen, the neck slides pretty easily into the slot. On mine, I have to put some very serious pressure to get it in, and when it is in it is so tight I can lift the whole thing by the neck. It is literally clamped in there. I figure that here in South Carolina, the humidity is about 4000 times what it is in Australia, so the wood has swollen a bit. There is zero room if I needed to adjust it left-right or skew the alignment from head to bridge. I figure I should sand it down till it can slide easily, but maybe not. I figure that it wouldn't take much in the way of sandpaper and elbow grease to get it to slide. Would love some input and I'm going to poke around on the site and on the net to see what info is out there. The marks on the body and neck match, so I know they are supposed to go together.
2) the 3-way switch. The cavity is routed in such a way that the shaft barely pokes out when the body is flush against the top of the cavity. The wood is too thick. It is so tight that if I try to use the round plate, I can't thread the nut on. If I ditch the plate, and just use the thin washer between the nut and body, I can get it to grab but I can't even turn it 1 full rotation. The nut is just barely hanging on like it thinks it is in some action movie and is trying to build drama. That concerns me, because nuts have a way of working themselves loose and I'm wondering if I put a few coats of lacquer on, it may not even grab. I don't have a router (I have a little dremel) so I'd appreciate some input. I was going to look and see if there are switches with a longer shaft maybe? In the gallery, folks with this kit have the plate on, so it isn't a design thing...
Thanks everyone, and if there is another spot on the forum I should be posting these questions, let me know! Complete and total noob here.