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Thread: New old bloke from Sydney

  1. #1
    Member Tweaky's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2015

    New old bloke from Sydney

    Hi all.
    I've been around guitars for 40 of my 55 years, I remember when Fender Tele/Strat ashtray bridge covers were actually used as ashtrays at nearly every muso's place you visited.

    I've setup plenty of guitars before [I have 7 ATM - Fender MIM Strat, Fender USA Tele, 1978 Gibson ES-347, Gibson Hummingbird, K.Yari small bodied Acoustic/electric [wonderful necks on these guitars], and pawn shop strat that I let kids use, and the reason Ive joined the forum as I found it while looking for a replacement neck, a PartO'caster that I have just put together with a set of Kinman traditional MKIII's and K-9 wiring harness, Wilkinson traditional 5+1 trem bridge, Tusq nut, and Gotoh 510 H.A.R.M Klusons.

    I've never bothered building one from scratch before, although once I think about all the repairs I've done over the years, I probably could have......the thing is, after seeing the range of kits available from PitBull, and the results gotten by people, I've just got to have a crack at a few.
    What's put me off from doing so previously, [apart from the dubious quality of some kit guitars in general] has basically been getting a excellent finish on a guitar, I live in a apartment in Sydney's inner city - not exactly Spray Booth friendly [if you can't get great results why bother?], it seems that members at this forum have really raised the bar of what now can be achieved with a scratch build, without the need of a spray booth.

    When you couple that with the obvious manufactures support [PitBull] and willingness to listen to their customers [You will have a long lived a prosperous company by doing this - many have failed because they didn't]

    Hell I'd be mad not to be a part of this.

    Anyway, hopefully I can pass on what knowledge I have in a fair swap exchange, for the knowledge on stuff I haven't.


    Just one question: Regarding guitar necks, I see a radius mentioned with each neck, but no profile or fret size/gauge.
    Could these please be specified in the kit description?
    Is it possible to order a different spec'd neck within a range of specifications?..... Let's face it, the neck is the most highly personal thing about any guitar

  2. #2
    Moderator Gavin1393's Avatar
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    Sep 2012
    Mindarie, Western Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by Tweaky View Post
    I've been around guitars for 40 of my 55 years, I remember when Fender Tele/Strat ashtray bridge covers were actually used as ashtrays at nearly every muso's place you visited.
    Welcome Tweaky, we look forward to sharing knowledge with you on our great forum.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tweaky View Post
    What's put me off from doing so previously, [apart from the dubious quality of some kit guitars in general] has basically been getting a excellent finish on a guitar, I live in a apartment in Sydney's inner city - not exactly Spray Booth friendly [if you can't get great results why bother?], it seems that members at this forum have really raised the bar of what now can be achieved with a scratch build, without the need of a spray booth.
    Dingotone is not only an environmentally friendly product but it is so easy to apply and best of all no mess!

    Quote Originally Posted by Tweaky View Post
    When you couple that with the obvious manufactures support [PitBull] and willingness to listen to their customers [You will have a long lived a prosperous company by doing this - many have failed because they didn't]
    Thanks for this - we do aim to be the best!

    Quote Originally Posted by Tweaky View Post
    Hell I'd be mad not to be a part of this.
    We all end up a little mad in the end especially those with GAS, but we started sane!

    Quote Originally Posted by Tweaky View Post
    Just one question: Regarding guitar necks, I see a radius mentioned with each neck, but no profile or fret size/gauge.
    Could these please be specified in the kit description?
    Is it possible to order a different spec'd neck within a range of specifications?..... Let's face it, the neck is the most highly personal thing about any guitar
    I'm sure DB might be along to answer that one or perhaps Adam.

  3. #3
    GAStronomist stan's Avatar
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    Aug 2013
    Geelong, Vic
    welcome mate, enjoy the forum and have fun building

  4. #4
    Moderator dingobass's Avatar
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    Sep 2012
    Welcome to El Rancho Loco, Tweaky..

    The necks are a bog standard C profile as for the frets, well I must admit that I have never run the calipers over them but by look and feel I would put them in the jumbo range.

    There is always a workaround for glitches, mistakes and other Guitar building gremlins.....

  5. #5
    Member GeneralKaos's Avatar
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    Dec 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by dingobass View Post
    Welcome to El Rancho Loco, Tweaky..

    The necks are a bog standard C profile as for the frets, well I must admit that I have never run the calipers over them but by look and feel I would put them in the jumbo range.
    Says the man who thinks frets belong in the bin........

  6. #6
    Moderator Gavin1393's Avatar
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    Mindarie, Western Australia
    DB doesn't just think that. This is the view from my spy camera hidden in his man shed.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	image.jpg 
Views:	183 
Size:	72.8 KB 
ID:	5384  

  7. #7
    Member GeneralKaos's Avatar
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    Dec 2014
    So he is a secret fret hoarder..... I see.

  8. #8
    Moderator dingobass's Avatar
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    Sep 2012
    Thats my collection of removed speed humps.... I keep them as trophies

    There is always a workaround for glitches, mistakes and other Guitar building gremlins.....

  9. Liked by: wazkelly

  10. #9
    Member GeneralKaos's Avatar
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    Dec 2014
    So, do you fling them at birds like a ninja? That would be one use for them.....

  11. #10
    Moderator Brendan's Avatar
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    Perth, WA
    Tweaky - welcome along - don't worry too much about the thread pirates here - main thing is it shows someone is looking . Best of luck with the build.

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