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Thread: Hi from sunny Hastings!

  1. #1
    Member Worzel's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Hastings, E Sussex, England.

    Hi from sunny Hastings!

    Hi I'm Worzel! I've got a nasty feeling I'm older than most of you! But on the plus side I've seen all the cool bands and I have more than a few basses that I've modified/ buggered about with over the years! I love what you guys do and I would love to build a few things. Where do I start?

  2. #2
    Member Arzi's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Vantaa, Finland
    Hi Worzel

    Nice to have one more bass player along. Since I'm new to both bass playing and building all I can tell you is that they are both quite addictive...

    For me every bass is something I would like to try out and some of them I'd like to have/build. Since you already have some experience on modding and fixing things I think you might either build one like you don't have or go completely wild on making a unique version of a known template.

    At this time I have a jazz. P and Rick on my wall (last two I've built) and now I'm working on a music man theme. Next might be a P-kit based Tele project or ESB-4.

    Plus you can mail Adam and ask about a custom kit if you have something in mind that you'd like to modify from the start.

    After you decide on a build - have fun. Just be prepared to make some fine tuning as every kit is slightly different and has different characteristics in grain etc.


  3. #3
    GAStronomist stan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Geelong, Vic
    welcome mate, you might be surprised how old some of us are!

  4. Liked by: wazkelly

  5. #4
    Member Worzel's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Hastings, E Sussex, England.
    Thanks guys!
    Thank for the reception. I must admit I've probably got more than my fair share of basses (and guitars) it's over twenty!Mind you it's a lifetimes work!
    My main squeeze is Precision basses, all but one is stereo and I'm not sure how long that one is going to stay mono!
    I'm full of ideas I've had in the last few years, When I saw Dave Grohl's Trini Lopez I fell in love, but then I wondered if there was a bass version. Sadly no! but I've not forgotten the fact that it's very close to your ESB-4.I was hoping that I might get what I'm after via special order. ( I noticed that some else wanted a guitar version of the Trini Lopez elsewhere.) I've been a bit ill for the past few years so it's like opening curtains on a new day! A few more weeks and I'll be ready!


  6. #5
    Member Arzi's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Vantaa, Finland

    It takes a few weeks to deliver a custom order so it all comes together right.

    Get well soon.

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